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Writer's pictureErin E. McEndree

Because of 4 a.m., I love you, Lord

Everyone has a 4 a.m., but what each person does with theirs is different. I had a friend who used to get up at 4 a.m. and I thought she was crazy. Actually, I really thought she was the most dedicated person I had ever met to get up that early. I think she studied her Bible and did a workout before her children woke up. She said it was a quiet peaceful time before the chaos of the day started with mom duties. I was much happier staying in bed util it was time to make breakfast for my family. But I also secretly thought, “She has 3 hours to get stuff done uninterrupted.”

Fast forward to present day. I have been getting up at 5 a.m. for several years. I have an hour and a half before I start making breakfast for my family before they all have to go out the door. I work for a local non-profit as the Career Development Coordinator part time and I am a Life Coach on the side so I leave about 8:30. I am off on Friday and I love that. I work with some pretty broken people who are addicted, homeless, homosexuals, you name it. I love those broken people. My favorites, if I'm allowed to have favorites, are the homosexual couple, the lady with multiple personalities and a mentally ill teen.

I love my quiet time in the morning, but I will admit I am always frustrated I don’t have enough time to give to my Life Coach business, Steeped In Purpose, or to the book I am currently halfway finished with based on my experience as an adoptee in the adoption triad.

You moms can relate. After work I have family meals and laundry and cleaning. On Friday, I go grocery shopping and run errands I didn’t get done during the week. I admit I am exhausted about 9 p.m. every evening. However, I have always been a morning person.

Since the death of Kobe Bryant, there has been a video and article circulating entitled Because of 4 a.m. Kobe said, “When I retired, I let myself go a little bit…. Without an end goal, like an NBA Championship or an MVP award, it’s really hard.” Kobe also said, “I have to aim for something.”

Kobe encourages us to not let anything stand in our way of our dreams. He suggested to use what we have to our advantage. He added, “Rest at the end and not in the middle.”

Click link to watch the 2 minute video.

So here I am, up at 4 a.m. because I have a dream. I will join the ranks with my ‘crazy’ friend. I am also sitting here because I have been hearing God whisper for a long time, “Do life with me.” God is wanting my ALL and He wants to know how far I will trust Him.

I know that nothing comes without sacrifice and that looks different for everyone. But I believe Jesus is asking each one of us the question he asked Peter: “Do you love me?”

What does loving Jesus look like to you in your life? He sacrificed so much for us, what are you willing to sacrifice for him? For me, it is ONE HOUR of sleep.

And, God is pleased. How do I know? This is the scripture that was waiting for me on Day 1 of my 4 a.m. journey:

Revelation 21:5 “He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’ Then he said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.’”

"Write this down..." God spoke directly to me!

I need something to aim for. I have small monthly goals, but the ultimate goal is for my book, Dwelling in the Adoption Triad, to come out December 2020.

What can you aim for? What is your 4 a.m.? A better health regimen? Healed relationships? Being the best wife and mom you can be? Sharing your story to help others? If I can help you reach your goals, as your Life Coach I will help you make an action plan and support you as you stick to your 4a.m.. Go to my website, Steeped In Purpose, to find more details.

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1 comentario

12 feb 2020

A BOOK! How exciting!! So proud for you Erin! Can't wait to read it! Also just read your 4 a.m. blog -- excellent!!

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