I find motivation in so many places to keep on keeping on. God has given me a purpose. I know God is communicating with me. I don't audibly hear Him, but I see signs everywhere. I've been looking for them for years and He just sent me another one.

I don't remember where this quote came from, but I knew it was a message for me. I set it as the lock screen on my phone to prompt me to 1) do what is in front of me to do, 2) do what I know I need to do, but don't feel like it, 3) don't do what I feel like doing in some cases.
Basically, I need to deny myself and choose to Do Life With God every day, every hour, every minute. Why? Because doing life with God translates doing my life for others... like Jesus did. Romans 8:29 says to conform into the image of his Son. His purpose was to make a way for others to be reconciled back to the Father. My life's mission is for my ripple effect to make the teaching about God our Savior attractive (Titus 2:10).
How am I doing that? Writing a book about my life. My adoption story is filled with stories and how people applied the lessons that make people say, "I want that!"
This little photo up in the clouds helps me remember that all lives touch other lives in a positive or negative way. I get to choose which way. I get to choose how intense the ripple is. I must let my story go out into the world and land where God wills! Right now, I have to get up when I don't want to get up to hear from God. I have to deny myself and do what God had set in front of me to do: share my most important asset with you... my story.